12 Ocak 2009 Pazartesi

Mu Online Guide - Quests

The first quest can be started in Devias at Priestess Sevina near to the gate.
The quest has got two parts, to finish them you'll need to find the correct items.

[b][u]The first part of the quest:[/u][/b]
[u]To start the first part of the quest you'll need the following things:[/u]
-You need to be Level 150 to start the quest
-You need 1.000.000 Zen to start the first part of the quest

In the first part of the quest you'll need to find the Scroll of Emperor which can be find in Lost Tower 1 or any other bigger maps (Just keep killing the mobs until you find the item).
If you found the Scroll of Emperor then go back to Priestess Sevina and give the item to her.
When you finished the quest you'll get 10 extra stat points and now you'll be able to start the second part of the quest.

[b][u]The second part of the quest:[/u][/b]
[u]In the second part of the quest you'll need:[/u]
-You need 2.000.000 Zen to start the second part of the quest

If you're Dark Knight then you need to find Broken Sword.

If you're Dark Wizard then you need to find Soul of Prophets or Soul of Wizards (Same items, just different name).

If you're Fairy Elf then you need to find Tear of Elf.

If you're Summoner then you need to find Churchill's Eyes.

You can find these items from Lost Tower 7's mobs.
When you finished the quest you'll get 10 extra stat points and you'll get the 2nd Class.
Dark Knight >> Blade Knight
Dark Wizard >> Soul Master
Fairy Elf >> Muse Elf
Summoner >> Bloody Summoner


The second quest called Hero Status quest which can make you special abilities.
You can start the quest at Marlon in Devias.
The quest has got two parts, but only for Blade Knights'.

[b][u]The first part of the quest:[/u][/b]
[u]To start the quest you'll need:[/u]
-You need to be 2nd Class (Blade Knight, Soul Master, Muse Elf, Bloody Summoner)
-You need to be Level 220 to start the quest
-You need 2.000.000 Zen

In this part you'll need to find the Ring of Glory or Ring of Honor (Same items, just different name), you can find it in Tarkan (Just keep killing the mobs until you find the item).
When you found the item go back to Marlon and you'll get the special abilities and you'll get +1 more stat points every level up (So you'll get 6 stat points for every level up).

[b][u]The second part of the quest (Only for Blade Knights):[/u][/b]
[u]In the second part you need:[/u]
-You need 3.000.000 Zen

Now you'll need to find the Dark Stone which can be find in Tarkan.
If you found it go back to Marlon and he'll active the Combo Skills for you.

Mu Online Guide - Characters

You can play as 6 different characters in MU.

Dark Knight / Blade Knight

The dark haired dude. This Character is based in pure strength, and meelee
combat. Often leader of groups. Pretty easy to level up. Good for beginners.
He has some flaws but it's easy to get around them. If you plan to max him
out, he becomes the powerfullest character.


-Starts with the highest HP of all characters.
-Has more armors than the other Characters.
-These also have more defense than the others'.
-Can equip 2 One-handed weapons giving him even more power.
-His special techniques are the Skills. This Skills are attached to the
-Can also learn a permanent attack Skill: Twisting Slash.
-Last but not least, he learns another permanent skill, but not an
attacking move, Inner Strength which increases his already high HP.


-Starts with very low Mana and gets only 0.5 mana per level
-Has some problems with long-ranged enemies
-Mana and/or Stamina is used up really fast
-Can't hit too many monsters at once
-Can't hit enemies stading away from him.


[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Greater Fortitude[/COLOR] - allows the DKs, to increase their life.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Deathstab [/COLOR]- A devastating attack similar to the lunge skill but is enhanced by the elemental power of wind.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Twisting Slash[/COLOR] - A technique that allows the knight to whirl his weapon around him, damages enemies that surround him.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Rageful Blow[/COLOR] - An area attack that unleashes shockwaves with the elemental power of the earth to damage opponents..

Dark Wizard / Soul Master

The dark spellcaster. This is my favorite character, but it doesn't
mean it's the best. Pretty hard to level up. As you may think, this
character's main ability is casting spells.


-Has a lot of power casting spells
-Can hit enemies far away, around him and all over the screen
-Has a large number of spells to cast
-Can inflict Statuses on Enemies
-Armors don't need a lot of strength to be used
-Has the highest Mana of the game and gets 2 mana per level
-Can use part of his Mana instead of HP with the spell Mana Shield.


-Has the lowest defense on his armors
-Has the lowest HP
-Can't use most of the weapons
-Has to find the items to learn most of the spells


Energy Ball - The first spell of the Dark Wizard, it compresses his power into a small ball to the target

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Power Wave[/COLOR] - It shoots a wave of force towards the enemy.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Lightning [/COLOR]- summons a lightning to knock back enemies

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Teleport [/COLOR]- The Teleport spell allows the Wizards to move himself anywhere within the screen without a trace.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Ice [/COLOR]- Frozes the target enemy, effect will be slow, froze.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Poison [/COLOR]- The Poison spell conjures poisonous vines that sprout from the ground near target's feet that may slow and poison the target. Poisoned enemies will slowly lose life over time until the poison wears off or is cured.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Twister [/COLOR]- The Twister spell allows the caster to conjure small cyclones that can confuse the enemy when they are struck by it.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Evil Spirit[/COLOR] - summons the black spirit of Loren to aide the sorcerer in his fight

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Meteor [/COLOR]- calls forth of meteor in the sky to damage enemies

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Fire ball [/COLOR]- shooting a ball with fire to enemies

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Flame [/COLOR]- summons a pillar of flame which causes continuous damage on all creatures it touches.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Hell Fire[/COLOR] - Wizards can conjure hellfire that springs up from the ground and hits multiple targets around him.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Aqua Beam[/COLOR] - a concentrated water that hits multiple enemies in a line

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Comet fall[/COLOR] - summons a bolt of energy coming from the sky to damage enemies

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Inferno [/COLOR]- Inferno spell creates a ring of fire around the caster for a few seconds, instantly burning those who come too close to the wizard.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Ice storm[/COLOR] - casts a bunch of ice shards and glaciers to damage enemies and slows down the survivors

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Decay [/COLOR]- Causes falling poison balls which deal a huge amount of damage and can effectively "poison" the enemy to death

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Nova [/COLOR]- Probably the most powerful spell in the game. The Wizard concentrates all his power and generates a huge explosion of energy.

Fairy Elf / Muse Elf

Elves are the only females in Mu. Elves can be risen in two ways(Agility or
Energy), making them very useful. Both kinds can use the Multiple shoot
and the permanent Skill, Penetration, and the Energy Elf can use Summons and
White Magic AKA Sorcery. One thing to add is that this division doesn't mean
you can't switch, but it's really hard to make an Elf with both parts,
actually, it's harder than raising any other character.

Agility Elf Pros:

-Average Character on everything
-Can use stronger (Cross)Bows
-Can use some Dark Knight weapons
-Can use higher level armors
-Can train by theirselves without problems
-Has a great range and can hit about 4 enemies in one shot.
-Multiple Shoot is attached to (Cross)Bows already.

Agility Elf Cons:

-Armors and (Cross)Bows need A LOT of agility to be used
-Even with all the agility, Elves need more agility than the other
characters to get more defense.
-Bows need Arrows(Crossbows need Bolts) and if you suddenly run out of them
you have to buy more, as monsters don't drop them.

Energy Elf Pros:

-Can increase attack, Defense, and heal herself or others around(AKA buffing)
-Very useful when in a group
-Most sociable character
-You can summons monsters and let them do the dirty work, and you can even
buff it,

Energy Elf Cons:

-Very, Very hard to raise. Not recommened for beginners.
-If you lose your buffs for a split second you will be owned by the
-As you need to increase your Energy, you can't wear stronger armors.
-You can heal your summon.

Mu Online Guide - Chaos Castle

Castle Siege Guide

Castle Siege Basics

* Move to Lorencia (239, 13) to enter the Loren Canyon
* There are no restrictions for entering Loren canyon.
* Loren canyon is a PVP enabled area.
* During Seige you can attack other participants without pressing Ctrl.
* No items that should drop from resulting PK status will drop from particiapants during the seige event.

Siege Participants Requirements

* A participating guild must have a Guildmaster with at least 200 levels (regardless of class)
* A participating guild must have at least 5 members in their guild. (20 original, changed in GrudgeMu)
* Participating guilds are required to have an ally to be able to successfully use the castle features.*
* Other guilds and characters can participate in the siege as a neutral parties but they cannot win the castle.
* If the guild that owns the castle disbands, they will lose ownership of the castle
* Only 3 guilds + allies can join the siege*

How to register for a siege

* Qualified guilds must talk to the Guardsman NPC and press the "Announce" button and their registration will be accepted.
o Only the guild master of the main alliance can announce intent to siege to the guardsman NPC.
* Any guild members of the guilds that have announced intent to seige can submit a Mark of Lord during the registration period.
* When the guardsman NPC is clicked, the guild name and allied guilds names rankings will show on the registry.
* When the guard NPC is clicked Siege status information will be shown.
* Only the top 3 guilds and their allies will be given a priority for the siege

Computation for registration rank:

Registration Ranking = ((Number of registered Sign of Lord * 5) + Number of Guild Members) + Level of Guild master /4. Only two of the highest ranking guild will be the defenders and invaders.

Siege Status

Truce Period Starts from the end of siege till the start of the next siege alliances can only be fored during this time

Siege Registration Announcement Time for guilds to announce thier intentions to attack the castle

Registration period Time to bid for the top 3 slots for the siege by using Signs of Lord to enchance their ranking

Announcement of Qualified Siegers Announces guilds that have been accepted into the guild siege.

Seige Start Starting time for siege

* Note: Players can get a Sign of Lord through hunting any monsters.

Siege Battle Basics

When the guild of a registrant is selected, the invading team and their allies will have a sword icon and defending and their allies will have a shield icon.

* PK penalty do not apply between the guilds of the invading and defending team.
* The above condition is applicable to the loren canyon only
* PK penalty will not be applied to both invading team and defending teams but will be applicable to other characters who are not participants.
* The Guild Masters will have a crown mark on the top instead of sword or shield mark.
* Neutral characters will not be marked as attackers or defenders.
* Guild registration/withdrawal during the battle is not allowed.

Siege Players

* The invading team will have a sword icon and the defending team will have a shield on top of their character.
* The guild master will have a crown icon instead of sword or shield. (A blue crown for the defending team and a red one for invading team)
* Neutral character can attack while pressing [CTRL].

Guild master for invading team

Guild master for defending team

Guild member for invading team

Guild member for defending team


* 1. Basic Policy and Winning condition
* The union under the invading/defending team will automatically included to each invading/defending team.
* Attacking own troops is only possible by pressing Ctrl key.
* Range attack can give 80% reduced damage to the own troops and 60% reduced damage for the other troops.
* To win the siege the guild master's official seal should be registered in the pedestral located at the dragon tower and if it succeeds the lord of a castle will be changed.

* Only the guild master can stamp the official seal in pedestral.
* To stamp press it for 30 seconds and if the 2 footholders that are needed for stamping is cancelled or the character gets killed the stamping will fail.
* If there's a remaining time even if the stamping was successful, the battle will continue but the 2 camps of invading/defending team will be exchanged.
* The guild with their official seal stamped at the end of the siege will be the lord of a castle.

The Foothol

2. Warping in Loren

The guild that owns the castle (including united guild) can warp through Loren canyon to go the castle.

*Warp command cannot be used during the Siege Warfare but the defending team can warp if front of the castle by using "Town portal scroll".

[COLOR="Silver"]CREDITS: to me by editing some of the mistakes, and mithos
enjoy guyz

Mu Online Guide - Upgrading Item

Upgrading items with Jewels:

Jewel of Life: Used to add/upgrade the option of an item. Each Jewel of Life increases the option by +4 with a maximum of +28. Be aware that if the jewel fails, then the option it will drop to +0.

Jewel of Bless: Used to upgrade an item level from +0 to +6

Jewel of Soul: Used to upgrade an item level from +0 to +9

Upgrading items +10 and above:

Upgrading items to +10:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +9)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* One (1) Jewel of Bless
* One (1) Jewel of Soul
* Enough zen

Note: Its better if your item has luck cause it increases success rate. Items that has no luck has lesser success rate.

After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +10.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Upgrading items to +11:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +10)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* Two (2) Jewel of Bless
* Two (2) Jewel of Soul
* Enough Zen

Note: Its better if your item has luck cause it increases success rate. Items that has no luck has lesser success rate.

After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +11.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Upgrading items to +12:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +11)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* Three (3) Jewel of Bless
* Three (3) Jewel of Soul
* Enough Zen

Note: Its better if your item has luck cause it increases success rate. Items that has no luck has lesser success rate.

After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +12.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Upgrading items to +13:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +13)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* Four (4) Jewel of Bless
* Four (4) Jewel of Soul
* Enough Zen

Note: Its better if your item has luck cause it increases success rate. Items that has no luck has lesser success rate.

After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +13.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Mu Online Guide - Fenrir Guide

Stage 1

1. Talk with the Chaos Goblin located in coordinates (180, 100) in Noria.
2. Use the option Regular Combination.
3. In the 8 X 4 Chaos storage area, place:
* 20 pieces of Broken Armor
* 20 pieces of Devine Protection
* 1 Jewel of Chaos

This combination will produce a Piece of Horn (100% success rate)

Stage 2

1. Talk with the Chaos Goblin located in coordinates (180, 100) in Noria.
2. Use the option Regular Combination.
3. In the 8 X 4 Chaos storage area, place:
* 5 Piece of Horn
* 10 pieces of Claw of Beast
* 1 Jewel of Chaos

This combination will produce a Broken Horn (75% success rate)

Stage 3

1. Talk with the Chaos Goblin located in coordinates (180, 100) in Noria.
2. Use the option Regular Combination.
3. In the 8 X 4 Chaos storage area, place:
* 1 Broken horn
* 3 Jewels of Life
* 1 Jewel of Chaos
* 10M zen

This combination will produce a Horn of Fenrir (35% success rate) screen #1

No way to change %.


1. Talk with the Chaos Goblin located in coordinates (180, 100) in Noria.
2. Use the option Regular Combination.
3. In the 8 X 4 Chaos storage area, place:
* One (1) Horn of Fenrir
* Five (1) Jewel of Life
* One or more Level 4 (minimum), Option 4% (minimum) Weapon

Mu Online Guide - Kanturu Event

Maya and NightMare Event

How to enter:

Entrance is located at Kantru (coordinates: 141, 186) must possess the Moonstone Ring to gain entry. The Moonstone Ring can be found in Kantru Remains (you cannot trade the item but can drop it, furthermore once inside the Boss Map, players can remove the Ring). Maximum of 15 players are allowed to participate.


- The entrance will be blocked 23 hours after entering the Tower.
- 23 hours and 40 minutes after entering the Tower, all players inside the Refinery will be warped out and moved to the Safe Zone of Kantru 2nd map
- 23 hours and 58 minutes after entering the Tower, Boss Map entry starts
- Players are given 2 minutes to enter and participate the Boss Battle, however maximum of 15 players can enter

Boss Battle

First Boss Battle 'Maya's Hands'

Life: 400.000
Defense: 315
Defense Success Rate: 1.445
Damage: 732 - 932

Life: 350.000
Defense : 800
Defense Success Rate : 550
Damage : 732 - 932

Players must kill all 50 monsters for Maya's Left Hand to come out. Players must kill the hand within the time limit (15 minutes), if not, all participants will be forcefully moved to the Safe Zone of Kantru 2nd map.

Whenever a player is killed, the character is warped out and moved to the Safe Zone of Kantru 2nd map.

After killing Maya's Left Hand, a 2 minute period stand-by period is given. If less than 15 players are left after the battle, new players can enter to fill the maximum 15 players allowed.

After the stand-by period, 50 monsters spawns and must be killed by players for Maya's Right Hand to come out and be killed within the time limit.
Once Maya's right hand is killed, a 2 minute stand-by period is given. If less than 15 players are left after the battle, new players can enter to fill the maximum 15 players allowed.

After the stand-by period, 50 monsters spawns and must be killed for Maya's both Hands to appear and be killed.

Once Maya is defeated, players are moved to the second Boss Map to face Nightmare.

Second Boss Battle 'Nightmare'

Code Name: ST-X814 Nightmare
The last of the mixed life forms made by the people of Kantru and the completed type of Dread-fear. However, the power of Nightmare was too strong to control and had to be sealed inside Maya the minute he was born. As soon as Kantru collapsed Maya lost control and this became a chance for Nightmare to come out to the world once again.

Players must kill Nightmare within the time limit (20 minutes)

Life : 400.000
Defense : 1.000
Defense Success Rate : 420
Damage : 1.225 - 1.468

Nightmare will summon monsters thrice and will warp out after his summons. Players must kill all the spawns before they can kill Nightmare.

Success and failure

- Tower of Refine is opened for 23 hours if players are successful in defeating Nightmare (any player can enter even without a Moonstone Pendant).

- Tower of Refine is closed until Nightmare is defeated

Mu Online Guide - Ancient Sets and Items

Dark Knight / Blade Knight

Warrior Leather Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Strength +10
3 Set option : Increase attack rate +10
4 Set option : Increase maximum AG +20
5 Set option : AG increase Rate +5
6 Set option : Increase Defense +20

Full set Options
Increases Agility +10
Critical damage rate + 5%
Excellent damage rate + 5%
Increased Strength + 25

Set Item Parts
Warrior Leather Helmet (+5-10 Vit)
Warrior Leather Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Warrior Leather Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Warrior Leather Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Warrior Leather Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Warrior Morning Star (+5-10 Str)
Warrior Ring of Ice (+5-10 Agi)

Hyperion Bronze Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Energy +15

Full set Options
Increase agility +15
Increase mana +30
Increase energy +15
Increase skill attacking rate +20

Set Item Parts
Hyperion Bronze Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Hyperion Bronze Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Hyperion Bronze Boots (+5-10 Vit)

Eplete Scale Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +15
3 Set option : Increase Attack Rate +50
4 Set option : Increase Wizardry Damage+5%

Full set Options
Maximum HP +50
Increase maximum AG +30
Increase Critical damage rate +10%
Excellent damage rate +10%

Set Item Parts
Eplete Scale Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Eplete Scale Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Eplete Scale Helmet (+5-10 Vit)
Eplete Plate Shield (+5-10 Vit)
Eplete Pendant of Lightning (+5-10 Energy)

Garuda Brass Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Increase maximum AG +30
3 Set option : Double Damage rate 5%
4 Set option : Energy +15

Full set Options
Maximum HP +50
Increase skill attack rate+25
Increase Wizardry Damage +15%

Set Item Pieces
Garuda Brass Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Garuda Brass Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Garuda Brass Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Garuda Brass Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Garuda Pendant of Fire (+5-10 Str)

Kantata Plate Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Energy +15
3 Set option : Vitality +30
4 Set option : Increase Wizardry Damage +10%

Full set Options
Strength +15
Increase skill damage +25
Excellent damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage +20

Set Item Parts
Kantata Plate Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Kantata Plate Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Kantata Plate Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Kantata Ring of Poison (+5-10 Vit)
Kantata Ring of Wind (+5-10 Agi)

Hyon Dragon Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Increase defense +25
3 Set option : Double Damage rate +10%

Full set Options
Increase skill damage +20
Critical damage rate +15%
Excellent damage rate +15%
Increase Critical Damage +20
Increase Excellent Damage +20

Set Item Parts
Hyon Dragon Helmet (+5-10 Vit)
Hyon Dragon Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Hyon Dragon Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Hyon Lightning Sword (+5-10 Str)

Dark Wizard / Soul Master

Apollo Pad Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Energy +10
3 Set option : Increase wizardry +5%
4 Set option : Increase attacking skill +10
5 Set option : Maximum mana +30
6 Set option : Maximum life +30
7 Set option : Increase maximum AG +20

Full set Options
Increase critical damage +10
Increase excellent damage +10
Energy +30

Set Item Parts
Apollo Pad Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Apollo Pad Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Apollo Pad Helmet (+5-10 Vit)
Apollo Pad Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Apollo Skull Staff (+5-10 Str )
Apollo Pendant of Ice (+5-10 Str)
Apollo Ring of Magic

Evis Bone Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Increase attacking skill +15
3 Set option : Increase stamina +20
4 Set option : Increase wizardry damage +10

Full set Options
Double damage rate 5%
Increase damage success rate +50
Increase AG regen rate +5

Set Item Parts
Evis Bone Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Evis Bone Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Evis Bone Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Evis Pendant of Wind

Heras Sphinx Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Str +15
3 Set option : Increase wizardry damage +10%
4 Set option : Increase defensive skill when equipped with shield +5%
5 Set option : Energy +15
6 Set option : Increase attack success rate +50

Full set options
Critical damage rate +10%
Excellent damage rate +10%
Increase maximum life +50
Increase maximum mana +50

Set Item parts
Heras Sphinx Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Heras Sphinx Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Heras Sphinx Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Heras Sphinx Gloves (+5-10 Vit)
Heras Sphinx Helm (+5-10 Vit)
Heras Skull Shield (+5-10 Vit)

Anubis Legendary Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Double Damage rate +10%
3 Set option : Increased Max mana +50
4 Set option : Increased Wizardry damage +10%

Full set Options
Critical damage rate +15%
Excellent damage rate +15%
Increase critical damage +20
Increase excellent damage +20

Set Item Peices
Anubis Legendary Helm (+5-10 Vit)
Anubis Legendary Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Anubis Legendary Gloves (+5-10 Vit)
Anubis Ring of Earth (+5-10 Energy)

Elf / Muse Elf

Ceto Vine Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Agility +10
3 Set option : Increase Maximum HP +50
4 Set option : Increase Defense skill +20
5 Set option : Increase defensive skill while using shields +5%
6 Set option : Increase Energy +10

Full set Options
Increases Max HP +50
Increase Strength +20

Set Item Parts
Ceto Helm (+5-10 Vit)
Ceto Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Ceto Gloves (+5-10 Vit)
Ceto Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Ceto Rapier (+5-10 Str)
Ceto Ring of Earth (+5-10 Str)

Odin Wind Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Energy +15
3 Set option : Increase maximum life +50
4 Set option : Increase attack success rate +50
5 Set option : Agility +30

Full set Options
Increase maximum mana +50
Ignore enemy's defensive skill +5%
Increase maximum AG +50

Set Item Parts
Odin Wind Helmet (+5-10 Vit)
Odin Wind Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Odin Wind Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Odin Wind Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Odin Wind Boots (+5-10 Vit)

Argo Spirit Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Agility +30
3 Set option : Power +30

Full set Options
Increase attacking skill +25
Double damage rate +5%

Set Item Parts
Argo Spirit Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Argo Spirit Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Argo Spirit Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)

Gaia Silk Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Increase attacking skill +10
3 Set option : Increase maximum mana +25
4 Set option : Power +10
5 Set option : Double damage rate +5%

Full set Options
Agility +30
Excellent damage rate +10%
Increase excellent damage +10

Set Item Parts
Gaia Silk Helmet (+5-10 Vit)
Gaia Silk Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Gaia Silk Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Gaia Silk Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Gaia Golden Crossbow (+5-10 Agi)

Gywen Guardian Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Double damage rate +10%
3 Set option : Agility +30
4 Set option : Increase minimum attacking skill +20
5 Set option : Increase maximum attacking skill +20

Full set Options
Critical damage rate +15%
Excellent damage rate +15%
Increase critical damage +20
Increase excellent damage +20

Set Item Parts
Gywen Guardian Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Gywen Guardian Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Gywen Guardian Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Gywen Silver Bow (+5-10 Agi)
Gywen Pendant of Ability

Magic Gladiator / Duel Master

Gaion Storm Crow Set

Option for each set
2 Set option : Ignore enemy's defensive skill +5%
3 Set option : Double damage rate +15%
4 Set option : Increase attacking skill +15

Full set Options
Excellent damage rate +15%
Increase excellent damage +30
Increase wizardry +20%
Increase Strength +30

Set Item Parts
Gaion Storm Crow Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Gaion Storm Crow Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Gaion Storm Crow Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Gaion Pendant of Water (+5-10 Vit)

Mu Online Guide - 3rd Wings Combination

1st Combination
> Required Combination Material
FOR :Feather Of Condor
~1 or more +7+4 or higher ancient item(best if option is +12 DO NOT GO ABOVE 12 it will lower ur % ALOT)
~1 2nd Wing+9+4 or higher(best if option is +12 DO NOT GO ABOVE 12 it will lower ur % ALOT)

~1 Jewel of Chaos, 1 Jewel of Creation and 10 Stacked Jewel of Soul.
> Max Combination Success rate is 40%!
> Combination Costs
- Success rate zen * 20k
> Combination Success Result
- 1 Feather of Condor
> Combination Fail Result
- 2nd Stage Wing (Item Level and Options will fall).
- Item (Item Level and Options will fall).
- Chaos, Creation and 10 Stacked Jewel of Soul. (All will be gone).
- Combination Costs (All will be gone).

for me best way is put gaion items +11 more def more % in chaos machine

You also NEED:Stone of Condor :
Drops in Barraks maps aslong as you are lvl 300+!

2nd AND LAST Combination
> Required Combination Material for WINGS Lvl 3

FOR:3rd Level Wings :
~1 Stone of Condor
~1 Feather of Condor.
~1 or more EXC item +9+4 or higher(best if option is +12 DO NOT GO ABOVE 12 it will lower ur % ALOT).

~1 Jewel of Chaos, 1 Jewel of Creation, 10 Stacked Jewel of Soul and 10 Stacked Jewel of Bless.
> Max Combination Success rate is 40%!
> Combination Costs
- Success rate zen * 20k
> Combination Success Result
- 3rd Level Wings
> Combination Fail Result
- Exc. Item (Item Level and Options will fall).
- Feather of Condor, Stone of Condor (All will be gone).
- Chaos, Creation, 10 Stacked Jewel of Soul and 10 Stacked Jewel of Bless. (All will be gone).
- Combination Costs (All will be gone).

for me best way is put daybreaker +11+12 and some 2 exe options that will give 40% max of making wings

Combination Items:

Stone of Condor:

Drops in all maps.You MUST be above level 300!
(Item is used for 3rd Set Wings Creation)

Feather of Condor :

Combined Item (Item is used for 3rd Set Wings Creation).
Obtained in Chaos Combination,as shown above:

Feather of Condor : Combination Image

3rd Wing Combination Image

The 3rd wings will be avalible for use only after compliting the 3d job change quest.

Wing of Storm

- Can be equipped by Blade Master
- Defense : (60) + (Wing Level * 4) [Level 10~13 will increase by +5~+8]
- Damage Increase : 42 + (Wing Level * 1)
- Damage Absorb : 35 + (Wing Level * 2)
- Increase Speed

Wing of Vortex

- Can be equipped by Grand Master
- Defense : (45) + (Wing Level * 4) [Level 10~13 will increase by +5~+8]
- Damage Increase : 42 + (Wing Level * 1)
- Damage Absorb : 35 + (Wing Level * 2)
- Increase Speed

Wing of Illusion

- Can be equipped by High Elf
- Defense : (45) + (Wing Level * 4) [Level 10~13 will increase by +5~+8]
- Damage Increase : 42 + (Wing Level * 1)
- Damage Absorb : 35 + (Wing Level * 2)
- Increase Speed

Wing of Doom

- Can be equipped by Duel Master
- Defense : (45) + (Wing Level * 4) [Level 10~13 will increase by +5~+8]
- Damage Increase : 42 + (Wing Level * 1)
- Damage Absorb : 35 + (Wing Level * 2)
- Increase Speed

Mantle of Lord

- Can be equipped by Lord Emperor
- Defense : (45) + (Wing Level * 4) [Level 10~13 will increase by +5~+8]
- Damage Increase : 42 + (Wing Level * 1)
- Damage Absorb : 35 + (Wing Level * 2)
- Increase Speed

Wings of Violent Wind

- Can be equipped by Dimension Master
- Defense : (45) + (Wing Level * 4) [Level 10~13 will increase by +5~+8]
- Damage Increase : 42 + (Wing Level * 1)
- Damage Absorb : 35 + (Wing Level * 2)
- Increase Speed

Mu Online Guide - 3rd Level Quest

Stage one: You will need to travel to 3 maps for the quest items.

- 3 Flame of Death Beam Knight
-Warp to Tarkan 2 and go East till you a path with stone arches, go through that and go all the way Northeast, you can find the Death Beam Knights there. (160,225)

- 3 Horn of Hell Maine
- Warp to Aida 2 and go North, follow that road till you see the graveyard and make a left, then follow that road till the end, there will be a room with Hellmaines

- 3 Feather of Phoenix
- Found in Icarus, you will need to follow the one way direction all the way to the back of the map (around 30,235) to kill the Pheonix

-Warp back to Devin and provide him with those 9 items.

Stage two: You will be given a task to kill about 30 mobs (server will inform you when you've killed 10/10 out of each mob class).

Once you've given the task - you should find these mobs (they can be found at):

- Balram Hero (94,95)
- Death Spirit Hero (100,107)
- Soram Hero (62, 127)

Remember to kill 10 of each mob and return to Devin the NPC. Once you've successfully arrived to the Devin NPC, you would be given a new task, which is to kill a "Dark Elf" - locate to Refuge and kill one of these Dark elves. That's it. Once killed, return to Devin and you should be a 3rd char.

Mu Online Guide - Agility Bug



* 0 - 5700 > works
* 5700 - 6550 > works (REQ: Dino/Unicorn equipped)
* 6550 - 8200 > works
* 8200 - 9820 > works (REQ: Dino/Unicorn equipped)
* 9820 - 10700 > doesn't work
* 10700 - 13250 > works
* 13250 - 15700 > works (REQ: Dino/Unicorn equipped)
* 15700 - 23250 > doesn't work
* 23250 - 28250 > works
* 28250 - 33200 > works (REQ: Dino/Unicorn equipped)
* 33200 - 65534 > doesn't work



* 0 - 23200 > works
* 23200 - 25250 > doesn't work
* 25250 - 32767 > works



* 0 - 11200 > works
* 11200 - 12880 > works (REQ: Dino/Unicorn equipped)
* 12880 - 16200 > works
* 16200 - 19440 > works (REQ: Dino/Unicorn equipped)
* 19440 - 21200 > doesn't work
* 21200 - 26200 > works
* 26200 - 31100 > works (REQ: Dino/Unicorn equipped)
*Above 31100 it doesn't work at all.

Dark Lord Agility Bug


* 0 - 2400 (works normal)
*2400 - 5000 (works normal without Horse/uni/dino)
*5000 - 5600 (doesnt work at all)
*5600 - 6800 (works with horse/dino only)
*6800 - 8000 ( works normal without Horse/uni/dino)
*8000 - 11800 (doesnt work at all)
*11800 - 16600 (works normal without Horse/uni/dino)
*16600 - 32000 (doesnt work at all)