12 Ocak 2009 Pazartesi

Mu Online Guide - Quests

The first quest can be started in Devias at Priestess Sevina near to the gate.
The quest has got two parts, to finish them you'll need to find the correct items.

[b][u]The first part of the quest:[/u][/b]
[u]To start the first part of the quest you'll need the following things:[/u]
-You need to be Level 150 to start the quest
-You need 1.000.000 Zen to start the first part of the quest

In the first part of the quest you'll need to find the Scroll of Emperor which can be find in Lost Tower 1 or any other bigger maps (Just keep killing the mobs until you find the item).
If you found the Scroll of Emperor then go back to Priestess Sevina and give the item to her.
When you finished the quest you'll get 10 extra stat points and now you'll be able to start the second part of the quest.

[b][u]The second part of the quest:[/u][/b]
[u]In the second part of the quest you'll need:[/u]
-You need 2.000.000 Zen to start the second part of the quest

If you're Dark Knight then you need to find Broken Sword.

If you're Dark Wizard then you need to find Soul of Prophets or Soul of Wizards (Same items, just different name).

If you're Fairy Elf then you need to find Tear of Elf.

If you're Summoner then you need to find Churchill's Eyes.

You can find these items from Lost Tower 7's mobs.
When you finished the quest you'll get 10 extra stat points and you'll get the 2nd Class.
Dark Knight >> Blade Knight
Dark Wizard >> Soul Master
Fairy Elf >> Muse Elf
Summoner >> Bloody Summoner


The second quest called Hero Status quest which can make you special abilities.
You can start the quest at Marlon in Devias.
The quest has got two parts, but only for Blade Knights'.

[b][u]The first part of the quest:[/u][/b]
[u]To start the quest you'll need:[/u]
-You need to be 2nd Class (Blade Knight, Soul Master, Muse Elf, Bloody Summoner)
-You need to be Level 220 to start the quest
-You need 2.000.000 Zen

In this part you'll need to find the Ring of Glory or Ring of Honor (Same items, just different name), you can find it in Tarkan (Just keep killing the mobs until you find the item).
When you found the item go back to Marlon and you'll get the special abilities and you'll get +1 more stat points every level up (So you'll get 6 stat points for every level up).

[b][u]The second part of the quest (Only for Blade Knights):[/u][/b]
[u]In the second part you need:[/u]
-You need 3.000.000 Zen

Now you'll need to find the Dark Stone which can be find in Tarkan.
If you found it go back to Marlon and he'll active the Combo Skills for you.

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